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I want to make a brief point about why I think a “Happy Ending” is the best kind of ending to a story.         Now I can already hear some of the writing critics and lit-majors out there plotting my demise. I want to state ahead of time that this is simply how I feel. It's not a doctoral thesis on the right way to do tell a story. I also want to dispel the myth that what I mean by a happy ending is this:
Not so.
Perhaps a better term would suffice. Instead of a “HAPPY” ending, let's go with a “POSITIVE” ending. This is the point: When you end a sentence there are a variety of punctuation marks you can use to create a feel for the statement. A period ends the sentence matter-of-factly, an exclamation point gives it energy, and a question mark leaves us waiting a response. In the same way, the ending to a story will leave the viewer feeling a certain way about what they've just experienced. When you have a “POSITIVE” ending, it means we get what we wanted: the world is saved, the villain is defeated, the right couple falls in love, the skater makes it to the Olympics, friends forgive each other, ect. Generaly something good happens that we've been waiting for, because up till now, it was a question as to whether or not it would.
In other words fiction is the result of conflict. If there were no conflict in the world there would be no story telling. If everything was hunky dorry? If there really was world peace and everyone was rich and nothing bad ever happened?

Then what about the ninjas?

What about your action movies?

No villains to fight,

No Batman,

No Arnold Swartzeneggar,

No Chuck Norris,

No superheroes sitcoms, soap operas, stand-up comedians, or Saturday morning cartoons.

You see: Story Telling = Conflict + Characters trying to end said conflict. A problem exists. The characters need to fix it. We follow the characters in their efforts to fix it. At the end the problem is resolved and the journey is over. We get a sense of closure and the story has come to a peaceful and satisfying rest. But in a “NEGATIVE” ending, we are refused this privilege. All of the above happen except the last. The villain wins, the romance ends, the bank forecloses. What we were waiting on never happens and as a result there IS no closure. Without a solution to the conflict, the reason for the story is left open like a sentence with a question mark. Our reason for engaging the story is unrewarded. And WE are left holding the bag. A negative ending fails to resolve the issues that make up the story and therefore leaves the audience thinking: “Wait... was that it? Is that the end? Wasn't there supposed to be more?”

It's like if you were to tell a knock knock joke.

“Knock, knock” “Who's there?” “Andy” “Andy Who?” “An-dey lived happily ever after.” Yes it's a pun. Yes it's the lowest form of commedy. It's also my specialty so zip it.

With a negative ending, it would be more like this:

“Knock, knock” “Who's there?” “Andy” “Andy Who?” “Andy.”
Not a very fulfilling joke, and not a very fulfilling story. I believe that the best kind of ending is one that rewards the audience for their attention. Plays to their emotions on a positive level and thus leaves them feeling good that they chose to participate.


I say “the longer the wait the bigger the reward” Don't make me sit through some 3 hour movie just to watch the Joker win in the end. I paid 8 bucks for that movie.
NOTE: All this of course, excludes the concept of cliffhangers and minor defeats. A shorter story that exists as a small part of a larger one is already unfinished, when you leave the audience hanging on until next week they know the story's not over; that there will be more to come next week. They know that even with a cliffhanger, a sudden twist, or even a downright sad ending, that the big picture moves on. That there will be a chance for a positive ending in the future. BUT DO NOT make us sit faithfully through a storyline for YEARS only to let us down at the very end.
This is why I feel that the greatest line ever written:
Does not come from Shakespeare or Mark Twain,
Does not come from Louis or Tolkien,

It comes from "Toy Story 3"

Those who have seen this movie, I'm sure can agree on the brilliance of it's plotline. We all understand how it hits home, using the concept of growing up and leaving our childhood behind to tug at our heartstrings and makes us connect to the movie as it ends it's long running legacy.
You might even say that while the film has a "Technically Positive" ending, it is actually quite bitter-sweet, as it hits home for all of us.

But then something Incredible happens. 

Andy looks back toward the house.
He looks almost directly into the camera and says:



This is not just Andy speaking to the toys. It is Disney and Pixar speaking to us; the audience:
"Thanks guys, for sticking with us, for being fans. for being there at the beginning, for helping make us what we are. Thanks for believing in the first movie, for liking the second, and for wanting a third. For all the movies you've watched, the money you've spent and the time you've given us, we appreciate you. So from the hearts of every producer, director, actor, and animator..."
This is the single most wonderful gesture I have ever seen from a film company and the perfect way to end not only a movie but a series that watched us grow up. A final goodbye, a unique gem and perfect reward for our time and attention. Now THAT is a "HAPPY ENDING"

There I've said what I have to say. Now come at me with the torches and pitch-fo...

Sunday, April 21, 2013

The Real Epic Of Mickey (Or How I Developed My Style)

People ask me all the time: “How did you develop your cartooning style for anthropomorphs?”

Actually that's a lie. People don't ask me that. No one's ever asked me that. HEY wait a minute why aren't you asking me that!?

OK, so IN MY HEAD, people ask me that, and here is the answer.

First of all, I've been a life long Disney fan for, well... my life.
I idolize Walt Disney, I'm fascinated by Ub Iwerks, and Glenn Kean? The most genius man on the planet.
These eyes... how does one fit so much life into a single pair of eyes?
It's like they're “More Real Than Real”.
(cuz that totally makes sense right?)

But, of course the story of Disney doesn't start with “The Little Mermaid”. It goes much farther back, and for me, ranges much later, so without much ado about nothing, here is where our story begins.


No not this.

Ahem... chapter one:


There was a blank piece of paper.

Then Milton-Bradley invented the "Zoetrope” and animation was born.

Authors note: We can argue until Jackie Chan learns to speak English over who actually invented or first did animation. I don't care. That's not the point. I'm starting with Milton-Bradley, so there. *sticks tongue out*

The zeoptrope was a device that by spinning would allow a series of pictures to blend in the mind like the blades of a fan, and thus create a moving image. It was patented by Milton-Bradley in 1832 and became a bit of a fad, helping to launch a western interest in animation. It also laid down the foundational principals for the next part of the story


Photography is somewhat knew on the scene. Edoward Muybridge finds himself in a pickle over how to solve a dispute: does a horse takes all four legs off the ground in a gallop? Or always keep one or two on the ground at one time. Totally an important debate right?

Everyone knows a horse keeps ALL it's feet on the ground at ALL times, DUH!

Muybridge sets up a series of cameras in line and times them to snap at different instances. He then has a horse & rider gallop by, and snaps the cameras as they go. The result? A perfect documentation of the pattern of a horses legs.
(See? I told you it was electromagnetism.)
He later discovered that these images could be projected by a reel, You could show these at parties not just as a bunch of pictures but as a live presentation on film. “Hey I know, that's just what we'll call it: A FILM

Stop motion,

The motion picture,

The rest is history.


So Otto Messmer arrives on the scene. Who you say? You've never heard of Otto Messmer?!
Ok, so how about THIS guy, you recognize HIM?
Sorry, Felix; they didn't recognize you without your clothes. I mean bag of tricks.

It's Felix the Cat! As in practically the FIRST real animated pop culture character?
OK I'll make it simple for you.


Idolized THIS GUY

Moving on...


Young Walter Disney falls in love with animation and follows in the footsteps of his hero Messmer, creating "Oswald the Lucky Rabbit"

What? I thought it was a mouse! I thought his name was...

NOPE It's all wrong. Everything you know is A LIE! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!Oh, Ahem, sorry about that.


Walt is working for “Warner Brothers at the time.” The big shot executives, say to themselves.
“Hmmm, a cartoon rabbit here at Warner Bros.? Nah! Would never make it.

"Oh and hey Walt we're gonna have to dock your pay.”

With that Disney says: "Heck With You" and leaves the WB behind and, due to contract agreements, Oswald too. He decides to start his own company and now has to create a new character. He thinks of a cat at first but doesn't want to compete with his hero.

Instead he creates...
MORTIMER mou... WAIT WHAT?! I thought His name was Mic...


Mortimer Mouse" that's the name of Disney's new character... I'm sure we can all thank Walt's Wife Lilian for coming up with the name "Mickey".

DISNEY Trivia: Mickey's Debut was NOT "Steam Boat Willie". It was another film called "Plane Crazy"


60 years into the future.
Naoto Oshima designs "Sonic the Hedgehog" he bases his design after Mickey Mouse,
That's right, Sonic is based off Mickey. Want proof? Ok here goes.







So just to recap:
Felix inspired Mickey. Mickey Inspired Sonic.

It's like they're all brothers.



Sega releases the DREAMCAST. Anyone remember this?

Well I think all 4 people who bought one will.

The "Sonic Adventure" series starts. Sonic gets a makeover Hedgehog edition. Slimmer, sleeker, spinier... blu-er. He hates Amy, loves chili-dogs, and makes more smart Alec remarks than even THIS blog can handle. As a result, a large number of “Sonic Fan Characters” now have shown up on deviant art every day for the last 10 years, shamelessly copying the style 100% FLAWLESSLY. Just how many in all?

IT”S OVER 9000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I on the other hand...
Choose to be unique. I only copy the style 99%.

No the truth is, after influences from Walt Disney, Glenn Kean, Bruce Timm, and Jim Davis, I'd say my style is plenty removed from the “Sonic Anthro Style”,

But I can't forget that this is where it started.
And with That...


After playing around with anthropomorph styles for years, I Taylor (G.I.B.) Gibson am inspired by the body structure of the Sonic anthros. I borrow certain traits while developing many of my own. And VUALA! My style is set; and looking good if I do say so my self......
...2011. I realize that the sonic style I borrowed from was borrowed from the style of my very hero Walt Disney.


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